Featured Mindful Meditation

Creating Our Own Sacred Space

 Create your own sacred space. (it's the gift that keeps on giving) The keys to our inner peace rests within the sacred spaces that we c...


The 2nd Natural Law of Vibration (Attraction)

Today I feel loved and protected by Divine Spirit.
Remember that during this time in which the Great Mothers have opened the gates and the earth is ripe for manifestation, especially for those who abide by Spirit and the laws of nature (Natural law), it's a beYOUtifull time for spiritual supplication. I will focus on the natural, immutable laws of nature that I prescribe to and live by, so grab your water, your pillow and your journal!

Please trust that natural law (the laws that govern and support the earth/atmosphere) are always at work whether we believe/acknowledge it or not. People who turn their nose up at and disregard the immutable laws of nature typically find themselves at odds with life constantly...bumping heads with karma, reciprocity, cause and effect...even gravity! Why live a life against the grain of life? These are all keys and gifts created and provided to us by a very capable sovereign God. Looking for Divine favor? Read, study and meditate on the deeper things; the interworkings of this life plane. Know nature's laws that govern the earth and incorporate this knowledge into your daily rhythm as you pray to God, be mindful of your breath (and how you use it ladies and gentleman!), and think high frequency thoughts.

#2 The Law of Vibration (Attraction) states that life is always moving. Nothing is static; everything moves; everything vibrates. Everything flows in and flows out again. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration. Consider the swing of the pendulum and it's balanced, synchronized movements from left to right. This mimics the naturally rhythmic movement of life itself, when we as humans don't ebb the flow. The consistent, rhythmic movement of the pendulum is evident in everything. According to the Masters of Ancient Egypt, the vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it appears at rest, like an airplane moving across the sky or a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. On the other hand, there are other types of matter whose vibrations are so low they appear stagnant (like some of us! #message). Between these polarities there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From the atom and molecule to universal galaxies...everything is in vibratory motion. Because vibes/energy travelling at the same frequency resonate/attract one another, this law is also referred to as the law of attraction.

Journal application: Meditate on the inner movements of your being...I like to focus on the movement of my blood through my body. In the silence, consider the areas of stagnancy and rigidity in your life. Journal in one column the areas of stagnancy and in the other column write down the ways in which you will overcome and live a FLEXIBLE life of more flow than ebb.
Whatever is rigid must be given room to breathe. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy and everything is energy, including your thoughts. What are some of the things you want to attract to yourself? Why? And how will you vibrate at the necessary frequency to attract what you seek? Being focused on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match...soooooooo WATCH WHAT THOUGHTS/ACTIONS/INTENTIONS YOU'RE ENTERTAINING! Beloved...all of our lives depend on it. Welcome to 2020.

The 3rd Natural Law of Transmutation

Today I feel a new, well defined balance.
Remember that during this time in which the Great Mothers have opened the gates and the earth is ripe for manifestation, especially for those who abide by Spirit and the laws of nature (Natural law), it's a beYOUtifull time for spiritual supplication. Over the next few days I will be focused and meditating on the remaining 6 of 7 immutable laws of nature that I prescribe to and that I live by.
Ayyyye...please trust that natural law (the laws that govern and support the earth/atmosphere) are always at work whether we believe/acknowledge it or not. People who turn their nose up at and disregard the immutable laws of nature typically find themselves at odds with life constantly...bumping heads with karma, reciprocity, cause and effect...even gravity!
Why live a life against the grain of life? These are all keys and gifts created and provided to us by a very capable sovereign God. Looking for Divine favor? Read, study and meditate on the deeper things; the interworkings of this life plane. Know nature's laws that govern the earth and incorporate this knowledge into your daily rhythm as you pray to God, be mindful of your breath (and how you use it ladies and gentleman!), and think high frequency thoughts.

#3 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that energy moves in and out of physical form and into many different forms. Your thoughts are creative energy. The more you focus your thinking on what you desire, the more you harness your creative power to move that energy into manifestation. In other words, we have the divine power to TRANSMUTE our thoughts (meta-physical) into physical form. POWERFULL!!!! The Universe organizes itself according to our thoughts. Did you hear me, beloved? I said...THE UNIVERSE ORGANIZES ITSELF ACCORDING TO OUR THOUGHTS! Even when you think, you're transmuting energy. It's a process. Being the scientist that I am, I put everything into equations in my mind. My personal equation for life is Faith + Work = Manifestation. When I think of how to expend my personal energy, I apply this equation. It has NEVER failed me. Energy is a force that just "IS". It is the active ingredient behind the intention for something to exist. Therefore, our energy (the energy we keep, engage, expend, etc.) dictates what we are able to manifest in this life. You can tell the energy of a tree by the quality of fruit it bears.

Journal Application: Meditate on the life equation Faith + Work = Manifestation. In your journal, make 3 columns. Label the first Faith, the second Work and the last column Manifestation. Start in the Manifestation Column and write something you're trying to manifest in your life. Then go to the faith column and write a prayer on behalf of what you seek to manifest. Next go to the work column and write down the actions you plan to execute. Fill the page, if you can, with these life equations. When you have completed this journal over time...recording your thoughts, prayers, experiences, revelations and equations, CONGRATS! You now have your own personal book of manifestion, or as I call my own, my personal book of Black Girl magic! Ase!

The 4th Natural Law of Relativity

I want to remind us that you will not find much TRUE African Spirituality on Google. This is a talk I find myself having frequently. The confusion Google causes is REAL. OMG. African Spirituality requires a student/teacher relationship...since the beginning of time. There is an ancient proverb that says, "When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear." I thank the Most High God for blessing me with REAL teachers over the course of my lifetime...from my Calculus teacher Dr. Wilson who 'happened to be' a Student of Egyptology and member of Ausar/Auset Society to my Godmother who taught me many mysteries at Ile Olodo temple, Dr. Luis Lugo who is my former Biblical Minister, A fellow West Indian and only the second person I'd ever met who was a Scripture lovin, Black African History honoring, Scientist who was NOT Atheist, and others who taught me simply by being the Amazing humans that they were. Like any African Spiritualist, MUCH of what I write you wont find on Google because the info comes from my own journals and written library over the years. Fact is, much of our history and the Mysteries of the African, Melanated Diaspora was passed down word of mouth. Hence forth, every teacher is born of a teacher, otherwise...from where/whom do you learn the mysteries?
Over the last few days we've meditated/journaled on:
#1 The Law of Divine Oneness
#2 The Law of Vibration(Attraction)
#3 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
#4 Nature's Law of Relativity states that everything is what it is as it relates to something else. One's point of view, for example, is determined by what he or she is relating to. For instance light is only light when you relate it to darkness, positivity is such when you relate it to negativity, Power is so when you relate it to weakness, etc. If you deem me a kind person, your perception is based upon your understanding/experience of the absence/opposite of kindness. For me in my meditations, this law is most beneficial in helping me stay in a state of gratitude for my blessings, and in remembering my own abundance I am ALWAYS reminded of the opposite, or the less fortunate. This natural law makes me cognizant of my relation to everything around me, and how I can maintain balance within my own cipher. Meditate on the things in your life that bring you joy/pleasure. Think about the times in your life in which you were without these things. What did you have instead? Write a story to yourself. Write about a time when you worked to change something that no longer served you into something that does. How were you able to change something negative into something positive? Write down some examples and honor the moments that you achieved true balance in your life. #SelfLove #Itsallrelative

The 5th Natural Law of Cause and Effect

The Mighty Mos Def has a song entitled "Mathematics" which was released right at the turn of the Millenium on the Black On Both Sides album. He raps bout survival in the hood and demonstrates his lyrical genius to express how life itself is science..."common" sense or "simple mathematics." One + One = Two, or "IF" this happens, "THEN" that will happen (theory of logic). Mos was spot on...

#5 The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is a re-action. A Karma. Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Our past experiences, memories and thoughts have collectively led to our current moment, and so on and so forth. Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we have to work extra hard at maintaining balance (Ma'at) by aligning our thoughts and actions with natural law, or namely today, the law of cause and effect.

Let's unpack that a lil. In the #3 Law of Transmutation (posted on 4/1), I used the Life equation, Faith + Work = Manifestation. With the ability to manifest being an inherent human trait/gift, however, we can also plug in different addends depending on the situation, such as Peace + Love, which also lead to ( = ) Manifestation. The equal sign ( = ) in an equation represents true balance, implying that the integers on either side of the equal sign carry the same weight (power, worth, size, etc.) and are at peace with one another.

As a mindfulness exercise, begin to look at the various aspects of your life through cause and effect equations; "If/Then" or "1+1=2". I have shared one that I live by, "Faith + Work = Manifestation". Another is "'IF' I have Love, 'THEN' I can attain Peace." Write down some life equations in your journal and record how and in what situations you will apply your new formulas for balance. It may seem like an elementary challenge, but attaining true balance requires MUCH discipline because at the core of our human experience are memory and desire. That is, the things our heart won't let us forget and the things we want so bad we act outside of ourselves to get it.

If someone hurts your feeling (cause) and you are in a state of unrest over it (effect), for example, create an equation to bring balance to your situation. It's fun...try it. Here's one:
"If I have Love, then I can attain Peace. Peace + Faith = Forgiveness". Straight calculus...fa grown folks. Simple, right? Shiiiiiiiiiiit. Try applying this in the moment when someone pisses you off! LOL. But here is where our internal work begins. Unpack it a bit: "If I have Love (I try to see the situation from the other person's position), then I can attain Peace (the absence of conflict). Peace (the absence of conflict) + Faith (belief in/reliance upon Divine Spirit) = Forgiveness (Manifestation)".

The Law of Cause and Effect will help us be mindful of EVERY choice we make with the goal of enlightenment (speaking for myself), or becoming conscious creators of an elevated reality. Today, the equation I am meditating on is "IF" I seek (true) PEACE, "THEN" I must first embody (true) LOVE".

The 6th Natural Law of Rhythm

I honor my natural rhythm.
My space is a carefully curated genie bottle of love, affirmations, truths, color, life, symbols and wonder. I am ultra aware of the fact that my actions are the spokes within the wheel of the great universal wheel, and that my thought patterns/energy create the rhythm that will keep my wheel spinning smoothly. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then we must discern with GREAT care what we gaze upon and allow into our mental space daily. The soul, afterall, is the internal storehouse that feeds (elevated) or feeds ON (unelevated) our human thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts/emotions generate the energy we emit into the atmosphere which, in turn, defines our rhythm that keeps our wheels within the big wheel spinning smoothly.
Long ago in my meditations God told me repeatedly that I must pray without ceasing (A LOT!) and BELIEVE what I say I believe in. When God speaks, I listen...and execute. On every prayer altar in my crib (I have several), I have the word BELIEVE and something that reminds me to pray. Everything in my life is a psalm of sorts...with prayer somewhere in the mix. Pictured is one of my fav settings of Man and Wombman in prayer (Joseph and Mary, Sango and Osun, Osiris and Isis, etc.) and the word BELIEVE. I meditate on this visual every single day so that it has become a part of my natural thought pattern, which defines my daily rhythm and causes me to pray throughout the day and BELIEVE what I say I believe in.

#6 The Immutable Law of Rhythm states that everything in existence vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish our seasons, cycles, stages of development, patterns, etc. Rhythm reflects the ritualistic nature and order of God's great universe. Everything in existence is involved in a kind of cipher or dance...swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth, up and down, round and round. One move builds upon or influences the next. What seems to be random is actually very orderly. The law of rhythm also governs our economy, health, relationships, and spirituality.

Meditate on what you need RIGHT now. What is your rhythm? What do you think on the most? What are your daily rituals?Take inventory of the space around you and assess whether or not the energy, colors, visuals in your space or on your prayer altar are:
1. Life sustaining
2. Representative of the thoughts you need to generate
3. Supportive of manifestation
4. Meaningful to you
5. In keeping with your spiritual beliefs and rituals

If you DON'T have a prayer altar, RE-READ this post and get started. A prayer altar for one who manifests is water to a fish.
If you do have an altar, take this time at home to clean, shine, re-consecrate and awaken your altar. Make sure it reflects what you plan to manifest into physical form from the heavens...and spend lots of time there in gratitude.
Faith + Work = Manifestation


The 7th Natural Law of Gestation

On this full moon... 
I am sending love to all who stayed with me over the last 7 days as we explored
my favorite 7 Immutable Laws that I live by...and now, hopefully, you will too. 
Tonight is the April Super Moon and the earth is ripe for our eventual manifestation if we plant good seeds. Gestation is the divine growth process between conception and birth within the womb. It is also the development of something over a period of time. For every seed, there is a divine gestation period that the seed needs in order to establish itself from blueprint into full physical form. Tonight's full moon is the PERFECT time to plant some GOOD seeds and turn this shelter in place into a divine journey.

#7 The Natural Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to manifest. Life is a process, not an outcome. All things have a beginning and grow and transform as more energy is supplied over time. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our fertile minds that bloom into our physical experience. EVERYTHING begins in the mind. All the other Laws, in my mind, hang on this one because the other natural laws are intrinsic to our human gestation process. They are earthly keys that unlock the great mysteries and favor that await the enlightened. What we think/do will eventually give birth to something else and so on and so forth.

Use this time to meditate on what you need most right now in your life. Consider your goals and objectives and allow Spirit to speak to you in the silence of your mind. Be open and forgiving and loving to self and have some intentional journal time with just you and GOD. Be very intentional about who you are praying to and what you are praying for. Be clear. Take it from me; you don't wanna plant WRONG seeds in fertile soil, LOL. You don't know WHAT might materialize. Haste makes waste so take your time but be consistent. Create purposeful patterns in your life: listen and talk to your body, give thanks every morning, pray ritualistically.
May God and the Ancestors be pleased by our efforts.



The Blue within distance is quite comforting.
Blue is associated with the 5th Chakra, the Throat Chakra, which governs our communication, self expression and stimulates our ability to communicate our deepest truths.
Like gazing into the morning and the midnight sky...
It's the full moon cycle so I've been looking into the heavens often...opening myself to Spirit so that I can hear what messages come to me. It is good to stop and gaze upon the sky several times a day to think, have a moment of gratitude and to simply give our spine a rest from the downward pull of gravity.
Last night and this morning after I spent some time in the sky and took these photos, I sat on the floor in my room and journaled about my faith, peace, intuition, creativity and mystery of the unknown. When I meditate on the color blue, these are the things that inherently float to the top of my mind. It's actually more a feeling that inspires me

Full Moon Journaling: Take some time to clear your mind and meditate on the color blue; a blue moon, a blue stone, a blue flower, a blue sky, etc. After a while, allow your raw feelings to float to the surface without the interference of the personality. Let all other frivolous thoughts float out of your mind like colorful balloons. Let the color blue fill your mind. Write down your emotions. What did the blue within your mind reveal to you? What physical sensations did you experience? What visuals resonated in the blue? Analyze your full moon message and keep it with you all week long. Revisit it, meditate every morning, evening or both, and write! The more you write, the more you will retain. #facts #lifelessons #moonmaiden #thecolorblue #fullmoon