Featured Mindful Meditation

Creating Our Own Sacred Space

 Create your own sacred space. (it's the gift that keeps on giving) The keys to our inner peace rests within the sacred spaces that we c...


Happy First Quarter Moon!!!
Here is my FQM ritual work:
I remember when I was little, all my mamas friends that wore a ton of jewelry were always the ones that stood out in the room. They were either the loudest, the deepest, the most opinionated or the most touchy-feely-kissy face with the wet kisses on the cheek. LOL. Why? Because they are literally walking kinetic reservoirs of energy field magnets...and every piece of jewelry they wear is its own energy field. Imagine that every crystal, every stone and every metal you wear contains the energy of the last time you wore it...or even still...the last thing it touched. Were you angry? Sad? Tired? Overjoyed? or happy? The latter is not so bad, but it is important to care for everything you carry on your divine temple. Did you just take your jewelry off and toss it on the dresser? Leave it in your purse? On the bathroom counter? The kitchen table? Did you think about it or pray over it when you took it off or put it back on to release the energy from the day? hmmmm.
I am very intentional about every piece of jewelry I adorn. I think about it, speak to it and create the effect I want it to have when I adorn it. When I take it off it has a home. My pieces, whether shiny heirlooms or pieces I created or purchased, have a place specifically designated to charge and recharge. I use them a lot on my body so I treat them with love and care. I treat every piece like a sacred gift. Your physical temple is a sacred shrine.
1. Gather allllllllllllll your jewelry, clean it with a sacred cloth.
2. Lay the pieces one by one on a sacred mat or fabric
3. Clean your space and designate places or fixtures on which to hang or store your jewelry and clean those fixtures. Let your creativity guide you. It can be one central place such as a chest or drawer or, if you're a little OCD with it like me, you can find all the things in your space that you deem sacred, bless them and hang/store a piece of jewelry there so that the entire room becomes a kind of sacred museum of your personal adornments! (Nina Simone LOVED to see her jewels hang too! #SheThroughMe) I use pictures, flower vases, plants, candles, artifacts, pretty containers and all sorts of inanimate objects in my "woman cave." Your jewelry over time will look and feel so different. Trust.
People underestimate the magnetic energy of the FQMoon, and it's ability to magnify our divine intentions on this earthly plane. The next 3 nights (including tonight) are ripe for such projects.
As you begin, click this link on my website to check out the energetic properties of some of my fav stones, many of which I'll bet are in your collection: http://kreativesoulsbypilar.com/stones
And remember the basic property of your metals:
Gold: Crown Chakra, Wisdom, Protection
Copper: Blood Circulation, Mindfulness, Consciousness
Silver: Moon Energy, Sensitivity, Clairvoyance/Discernment
Nickel: Negative Energy Detoxifier
Stainless Steel: Metaphysical protection/projection
Happy FQM!!! Enjoy...with intention...and protect your temples!!


Fire Meditation

Commune with Nature's fire...
Together, we heal...we connect...we grow.