Featured Mindful Meditation

Creating Our Own Sacred Space

 Create your own sacred space. (it's the gift that keeps on giving) The keys to our inner peace rests within the sacred spaces that we c...


Color Journey Meditation

Please take off your shoes, leave your worries at the door. Come on in and find a comfy place to sit or lay. Find your inner still...that quiet place and close your eyes:

  • Begin at the tips of your toes and envision the blood flowing throughout your body to the top of  your head, the Crown Chakra (Sanskrit) or your Ori (Yoruba).
  • Once you are focused on your blood flow, tune in to your breathing pattern.
  • Breathe in through your nose (if possible) and out through your mouth, making an "Ohhh"or "Ahhh"sound as you exhale.
  • Once your breathing is regulated, allow your body to relax and your mind to focus on the calming colors of the rainbow.
  • Allow the relaxation to occur naturally...allow and relax into the still energy.
  • Create a picture in your mind of the color red.
  • Imagine red of all shades....
  • You might picture red objects, a red landscape, or just a solid color.....
  • Imagine all of the different tones of red.... roses.... bricks.... apples....sunset....
  • Enjoy the color red for some moments.
  • Now allow the color you are imagining to change to orange. Picture the color orange.... infinite shades of orange.... flowers.... pumpkins .... carrots....
  • Fill the entire visual field of your mind's eye with the color orange.
  • Enjoy the color orange.
  • Visualize the color yellow. See in your imagination all the various shades of yellow. Allow yellow to fill your vision.... lemons.... flowers....birds...fall leaves...
  • Imagine the endless tones of the color yellow. Imagine yourself surrounded with the calming color yellow..... Immerse yourself....swim, lay, sit in it...
  • Enjoy the color yellow.
  • Let the color you are imagining become green. Fill your imagination with the color green. Endless shades and tones of green.... plants.... leaves.... grass....
  • Imagine being surrounded by beautiful green..... all shades from the lightest to the darkest, bright green.... subdued green...
  • Enjoy green.
  • Now see in your mind the color blue. Surround yourself with beautiful blue.... Unending shades of blue..... water....sky....
  • Imagine blue filling your vision.....
  • Enjoy the color blue.
  • Allow the color in your imagination to become violet..... Focus on the multitude of purples around you.... flowers....eggplant....sunrise....
  • Immerse yourself in the color violet....
  • Enjoy violet.
  • Now allow your attention to return to your breathing..... notice how calm and regular your breathing is now.....
  • Meditate on the calming color relaxation once more....
  • Imagine the colors again, one at a time.... starting with red....
  • Orange....
  • Yellow....
  • Green.....
  • Blue.....
  • Violet.....
  • Now picture whatever calming color you wish. Do you have a favorite? Or a color that suits your mood right now? Imagine whatever colors you like. Allow your mind to be relaxed, focused, and calm...
  • Enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing.
  • Now it is time to return your attention to your regular activities.
  • Stay in your new calm and let your calm "color" the rest of your day.
  • Be aware of your surroundings....
  • Stretch your muscles...open your eyes. Enjoy.

Peace Be Unto You.